
Career-Focused Degree Courses for Motivated Students

We're excited to introduce Pathways, a groundbreaking program designed for upper school students who are ready to pursue their passions and start building skills in a career-focused field right now. 
Pathways is an innovative approach to education that allows freshmen (and in some instances, sophomores) to embark on a specialized journey in engineering, theater arts or digital marketing. This four-year course of study provides a unique opportunity for students to dive deeply into their chosen field, mastering concepts, ideas and real-world skills that will set them apart.

The Pathways Advantage

List of 3 items.

  • Tailored Learning Experience

    Pathways isn't just about classes; it's a comprehensive, hands-on experience. Students select a focused area of study and immerse themselves in their interests beyond the traditional school model. Pathways combines our rigorous curriculum with meaningful projects, individually guided by Barstow’s esteemed faculty.
  • Real-World Experience

    Pathways isn't confined to the classroom. Students will have the chance to complement their studies with internships and work-study programs, providing real-world exposure to their chosen field. We believe in equipping our students not just with knowledge, but with practical, career-level experience.
  • Your Choice, Your Future

    Participation in Pathways is optional. Students retain the freedom to follow the traditional school model, and Barstow continues to offer the area’s best college prep education. Pathways complements our curriculum with opportunities for a new generation of makers, doers and leaders. Graduates will earn a Pathways designation on their transcript.

How it Works

List of 6 items.

  • Graduation Requirements

    Like any Barstow graduate, Pathways students must complete 25 total credits. Some classes within a pathway count as traditional classes for graduation (math, science, English, social studies) and some count as electives.
  • Supplemental Coursework

    In cases when the extensive nature of Pathways classes or their timing creates a scheduling conflict, students can utilize course offerings on Barstow Global Online.
  • On-Campus Practicum

    Students begin building practical experience in their chosen pathway on campus, working in our theatre department, developing marketing projects for external audiences, developing entrepreneurial ideas, or completing specialized work at the Dan & Cassidy Towriss IDEA Space.
  • Work-Study and Internships

    Some Pathways students may be placed in a part-time progressive career development program, in partnership with an off-campus employer. Work-study programs generally occur within the school day; internships can be scheduled during summer, winter and spring breaks.
  • Individualized Advisory

    Pathways students will work with our Director of Academics to plan their course of study, and will have regular meetings with members of their faculty team to monitor their progress.
  • Capstone Presentations

    Pathways students will present real-world projects and results to a peer and faculty panel during the second semester of their senior year.

Digital Media

Pathway Coursework

List of 6 items.

  • Grade 9

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Art Fundamentals & Photography I
    • Video Journalism (BTVN)
    • Graphic Design & Video Production H
    • Audio Production & Adobe After Effects
    • English 9*
    • Mathematics Course*
    • Biology*

    Required Summer Online Coursework

    • Ancient World History

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 10

    6 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    Choose 3 from the following:
    • Video Journalism (BTVN)
    • Video Production H
    • Advanced Graphic Design
    • Photography II
    • Weathercock
    • B-Line
    • US Entrepreneurship
    • English 10*
    • Mathematics Course*
    • Modern World History*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Adobe After Effects

    Possible Additional Elective Coursework

    • Yearlong Science Course
    • Any Other Course Offering*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • World Language Course

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 11

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    Choose 3 from the following:
    • Video Journalism (BTVN)
    • Video Production H
    • Advanced Graphic Design
    • Photography II
    • Weathercock
    • B-Line
    • US Entrepreneurship
    • English 11*
    • Mathematics Course*
    • United States History*
    • Yearlong Science Course*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • World Language Course

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 12

    6 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    Choose 3-4 from the following:
    • Video Journalism (BTVN)
    • Video Production H
    • Advanced Graphic Design
    • Photography II
    • Weathercock
    • B-Line
    • US Entrepreneurship
    • English 12*
    • Mathematics Course*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Adobe After Effects
    • Advanced Photography
    • Digital Art

    Possible Additional Elective Coursework

    • Any Other Course Offering*

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Required Activities

    Livestream school events during & after school hours
  • Additional Opportunities

    • Field Related Employment
    • Internships
    • Externships
    • Shadow Opportunities


Pathway Coursework

List of 5 items.

  • Grade 9

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Intro to Engineering Design H
    • Mathematics Course
    • Biology
    • English 9
    • Ancient World History*
    • World Language Course*
    • Computer Science Course*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Art Fundamentals*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • Any online summer course offering

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 10

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Principles of Engineering H
    • English 10
    • Mathematics Course
    • Chemistry H
    • Modern World History*
    • World Language Course*
    • Art Fundamentals (if not completed in grade 9)*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Additional Project Lead the Way Course
    • Additional Science Coursework
    • Woodworking
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Engineering Design & Robotics
    • Robotics Practicum
    • Theatre Arts
    • Additional Art Courses
    • Computer Science Courses*

    Possible Elective Coursework

    • Any Other Course Offering*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • Any online summer course offering

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 11

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Project Lead the Way Course H
    • Mathematics Course
    • English 11
    • Physics H
    • United States History*
    • World Language Course*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Additional Project Lead the Way Course
    • Additional Science Coursework
    • Woodworking
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Engineering Design & Robotics
    • Robotics Practicum
    • Theatre Arts
    • Additional Art Courses
    • Computer Science Courses*

    Possible Elective Coursework

    • Any Other Course Offering*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • Any online summer course offering

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 12

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Eng Design & Develop HC
    • Mathematics Course
    • AP Level Science Course
    • English Course*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Additional Project Lead the Way Course
    • Additional Science Coursework
    • Woodworking
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Engineering Design & Robotics
    • Robotics Practicum
    • Theatre Arts
    • Additional Art Courses
    • Computer Science Courses*

    Possible Elective Coursework

    • Any Other Course Offering*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • Any online summer course offering

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Additional Opportunities

    • Robotics Team
    • Science & Entrepreneurship Competitions
    • Student Mentorship for Middle School FIRST Lego League
    • Field Related Employment
    • Internships
    • Externships
    • Shadow Opportunities

Theatre Arts

Pathway Coursework

List of 6 items.

  • Grade 9

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Acting I
    • Theatre Arts
    • Barstow Singers
    • English 9
    • Biology*
    • Mathematics Course*
    • Ancient World History*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • World Language Course

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 10

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Acting II
    • Theatre Arts
    • English 10
    • Scriptwriting & Shakespeare on Stage
    • Physical Science or Chemistry H*
    • Mathematics Course*

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Music Theory
    • Fine Arts Courses
    • Barstow Singers
    • Upper School Speech

    Possible Elective Coursework

    • Any other course offering*

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • World Language Course

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 11

    7 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Advanced Acting H
    • Advanced Theatre Arts H
    • Art History H
    • English 11
    • United States History*
    • Mathematics Course*
    Choose one of the following:
    • Barstow Singers
    • Upper School Speech
    • Video Journalism
    • Debate

    Suggested Summer Online Coursework

    • Science Course

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Grade 12

    6 Required Credits

    Required Pathway Coursework

    • Advanced Acting H
    • Advanced Theatre Arts H
    • Art History
    • English 12
    • Mathematics Course*
    Choose one of the following:
    • Barstow Singers
    • Upper School Speech
    • Video Journalism
    • Debate

    Suggested Elective Coursework

    • Fine Arts Courses
    • Music Theory
    • Barstow Singers
    • Upper School Speech

    Possible Elective Coursework

    • Any other course offering*

    * Can be taken online if not able to schedule on campus
  • Required Activites

    • Participation in a minimum of one production each year
  • Additional Opportunities

    • Independent Projects, Instrumental Orchestra, Dance, Dance Team
    • Field Related Employment
    • Internships
    • Externships
    • Shadow Opportunities

List of 1 items.

  • The Online Learning Advantage

    Barstow Global Online is the school’s asynchronous learning solution that allows students to create an individualized  schedule and progression of courses tailored to what they need for graduation and for what they want to learn.

Contact Us

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Tom Niermann

    Tom Niermann 

    Senior Vice President for Academics for the Barstow Schools
    (816) 277-0316
  • Photo of Joseph Fox

    Joseph Fox 04

    Vice President Admissions, Varsity Boys Golf Head Coach
    (816) 277-0404
  • Photo of Rebecca Garry

    Rebecca Garry 

  • David Cramer 

    Director of Academics, Mathematics Department Chair
    (816) 277-0352


List of 8 frequently asked questions.