Robotics Team Adapts Cars for New Drivers

Barstow robotics students hosted a GoBabyGo! community build on Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Dan & Cassidy Towriss IDEA Space. FRC Team 1939 and robotics teams from five area schools adapted battery-operated cars for children with mobility challenges.
The community build, sponsored by Variety KC, brings robotics teams together to collaborate on a service project that can transform the lives of its young clients. Groups used an instruction guide provided by Team 1939 to re-engineer Power Wheels battery-operated vehicles. They give the adapted vehicles to children who are too small for or unable to use traditional motorized wheelchairs. The vehicles feature secure seating and harnesses, extra padding for safety, buttons or joysticks in place of steering wheels and adapted foot pedals. Physical therapists from Variety KC advise students on the designs to ensure they meet each child's needs.

Teams worked for several hours refining their adapted cars before excited families arrived at IDEA Space Saturday afternoon. Each vehicle was personalized with the driver's name and decals. Families received instructions from the participating robotics teams before children climbed into the driver's seats and started their engines.

Team 1939 would like to thank Variety KC, Team 5013 Trobots from Park Hill High School, Team 2410 Metal Mustang from Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies, Team 1108 Panther Robotics from Paola High School, Team 1775 Tigerbytes from Lincoln College Preparatory Academy, Team 9316 CUBATRONICS from Mill Valley High School and DeSoto High School for making the return of GoBabyGo a huge success!

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