"Zombie Prom" Tickets on Sale Now

The buzz is building about "Zombie Prom: Atomic Edition!" Tickets are on sale now for the upper school musical, available to stream by Halloween, Oct. 30-Nov. 1.
Since campus events such as live theatre are suspended this year, the musical has gone digital, resulting in a show unlike anything the school's theatre department has ever produced. When the composer of the off Broadway show heard about Barstow's innovative virtual production, he sent the cast and crew a motivational message.

"This is the first ever, as far as I know, virtual streaming production of 'Zombie Prom' in the world," Dana. P. Rowe said. "That's amazing! And the amount of creativity and innovation behind this is incredible. It's already just blowing my mind."

Among the challenges in producing theatre during the pandemic are how and where to rehearse, how to reach an audience without live performances, and how to use new technologies and production techniques to showcase the talents of actors, choreographers, stage crew, costume, makeup  and set designers.

Director of Theatre Bob Kohler and Director of Middle & Upper School Music Dr. Josh Markley learned new methods over the summer when they produced Barstow's first zoomsical, "The Big One Oh!" It featured  students from lower, middle and upper school performing using green screens to perform together from home. They used that experience to bring "Zombie Prom" to home screens.

Beginning with in-person and at-home virtual auditions, upper school students had to quickly become comfortable with rehearsing and collaborating in a hybrid environment. During rehearsals, they practiced social distancing while practicing scenes, they connected with other actors via Zoom and they rehearsed big dance numbers in the varsity gym or campus parking lots on weekends.

With the scenes recorded, the show is being finished in post-production so families can screen it during Halloween weekend. This "girl-loves-ghoul" musical is set in the atomic 1950s at Enrico Fermi High, where the law is laid down by a zany, tyrannical principal. A tuneful selection of original songs in the style of '50s hits keeps the action rocking across the stage. Tickets and links are available through ShowTix4U.
    • "Zombie Prom," the upper school musical, is now in post-production, and will be available Oct. 30-Nov. 1.

    • Composer Dana P. Rowe will be streaming Barstow's "Zombie Prom" this weekend.

    • Students found creative, innovative ways to stage the production when live theatre events are suspended.

    • It's set in the nuclear 1950s with a rock and roll score and a girl-meets-ghoul storyline.