Students are earning accolades for demonstrating good character that models middle school community expectations.
Middle school students abide by four community standards: Be a good human. Be a good student. Be a good role model. Be a good citizen. As students do an exemplary job at any one of those four expectations, they are awarded Barstow doubloons. Five doubloons can be turned into a highly-prized a Raffety Raffle ticket, a tradition carried over from lower school with interim Middle School Director Debra Raffety. Every day a random number of tickets are drawn and students receive prizes.
Another continuing middle school tradition that rewards good character is the Good Human Award. Teachers choose a student who has done an outstanding job of displaying all four community expectations for the week. The year's first three recipients are Henry Dicus, grade 8, Ava Kopitas, grade 7, and Lucho Benega, grade 6. Congratulations to all these student role models!