Fifth Grade Gets Capital Experience

Fifth grade students toured Washington D.C. during the first week in May. The annual trip is a lower school tradition, combining lessons about government, history, citizenship and leadership> This year's trip also included a surprise stop at Andrews Air Force Base.
Students have prepared for this trip all semester. In March, they took a field trip to John Brown Memorial Park in Osawatomie, Kansas, to learn about abolitionist John Brown in advance of their visit to Harpers Ferry. Harpers Ferry, they discovered, lies at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers, and is the site of Brown's raid on the federal armory in 1859.

In April, students researched the capital's monuments, creating slide presentations and preparing short informative speeches for their classmates. This week, they visited the monuments on which they had become experts.

The group made a stop at Andrews Air Force Base on Thursday, the home of Air Force and Marine One, where they received a hangar tour from the military's 1st Helicopter Squad and tried on some of the flight crew's gear. This annual trip for Barstow fifth graders, who frequently. cite it as one of their most memorable school experiences.
